
Basic Aspects of Identity of the Abkhazians Living in Ajaria
რესურსის ტიპი: წიგნი
გამოცემის წელი: 2009
გამომცემლობა: Universal
ჟანრი: სემანტიკა
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(1 შეფასება)

It is printed within the limits of the project "Researching the identity of the Abkhazians living in Ajaria. I" that is financed by the joint program of UN and European Union COBERM. In the work for the first time the basic features of ethnic, language, religious and cultural identity of the Abkhazians who have been living in Ajaria since the middle years of the 19th century are researched comprehensively. Researching material is obtained in Batumi and in those neighboring villages where Abkhazian population lives.



  • განთავსებულია: ივლ 22, 2015
  • ISBN-10: 978-9941-17-398-1
  • გამომცემლობა: Universal
  • ენა: Eng
  • გვერდები: 100
  • ნახვები: 3777
  • შეფასება: 5.0

წიგნის ავტორი(ები)