
Chemical And Technological Aspects Of Biopolymers
რესურსის ტიპი: ელ-წიგნი
გამოცემის წელი: 2020
გამომცემლობა: Meridiani
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Chemical And Technological Aspects Of Biopolymers

On behalf of the Organizing Committee, I would like to welcome the participants of the International Scientific Conference on «Chemical and Technological Aspects of Biopolymers». At the conference chtab 2020 organized by the Sukhumi State University and the Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, scientists from Georgia and foreign countries presented the achievements of modern Bioorganic Chemistry; Research in the field of Biotechnology; Structure, functions and synthesis of biologically active compounds; Lowwaste, Highly productive innovative technologies; Biomaterials, Bionanomaterials; Biodegradable polymers of Natural origin; On issues of Food and Environmental.


The purpose of the conferences: the exchange of research results on many key issues in the field of synthesis and use of biopolymers - in demand in many industries (chemical, food, pharmaceutical, etc.), new materials and their applications. This topic is at the intersection of several scientific fields such as biology, chemistry, toxicology, nanotechnology, biotechnology, biomedicine.


  • განთავსებულია: ნოე 8, 2020
  • ISBN-13: 978-9941-25-790-2
  • გამომცემლობა: Meridiani
  • ენა: Eng
  • გვერდები: 279
  • ნახვები: 2785
  • შეფასება: 5.0

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