
Тип Ресурса: Эл-Книга
Год Издании: 2012
Издательство: თბილისი
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     წინამდებარე წიგნში ავტორის მიერ უცხოეთში გამოქვეყნებული სტატიების ნაწილია თავმოყრილი. ზოგიერთ სტატიაში დამატებებია შეტანილი. წიგნში განხილულია იბერია-კოლხოლოგიის - საქართველოს კლასიკური და ადრემედიევური პერიოდის ისტორია-არქეოლოგიის საკითხები. წიგნი განკუთვნილია სპეციალისტებისათვის და ჩვენი ქვეყნის ისტორიით დაინტერესებული უცხოელი მკითხველისათვის.


     In the present book the author considers some issues related to Iberia-Colchology, studying history and archaeology of Georgia. The book accumulates scientific essays published in the past and also those written lately. The book is designated for the specialists and also for the readers concerned with history and archaeology of Georgia (in Caucasus). The author, Gela Gamkrelidze is Doctor of historical sciences, Prof., Leading scientist of the Centre of Archaeology of Georgian National Museum. He is the editor of the Journal Iberia–Colchis (Researches of Georgia in the Classical period). He was born in Tbilisi in 7.01.1951. In 1973 he graduated Tbilisi state university. In 1979 he defended Ph.D. thesis and in 1990 DHS dissertation. He participated in Vani, Mtisdziri, Poti, Namakhvami, Vale and other archeological expeditions. In 1979 he explored terms of Mtisdziri settlement. He has discovered the settlement near city Poti-Phasis. He has been studying issues related to the history and archeology of the Georgian Classical period and early middle ages. In particular, relationship of Iberia and Colchis with Greek, Roman and Iranian world; typological classification and topographical archeology of settlements; influence of bio-geo environment on the process of historical development of community in Georgia; the military history of Iberia-Colchis (armament and fortification). He has published books and scientific essays dedicated to the above-mentioned problems (see List of works by G. Gamkrelidze - 1976-2011). He is an authority on the history and archaeology of Georgian Classical period and early middle ages. see:


Published for Centre of Archaeology of Georgian National Museum. Address: 14, D. Uznadze str. Tbillisi, 0102, GEORGIA.

e-mail: gamkr.gela@gmail.com.


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